Saturday, June 1, 2024

Easy Fixes for Common Printer Problems

Imagine this: you’re presenting a proposal to a prospective client that could have a huge positive impact on the future of your business. All you need to do is print the final proposal.

You hit print, expecting a crisp document to emerge, but instead, your printer throws a tantrum. Need help ASAP? Don't despair! 

Most printer problems have simple solutions you can tackle yourself. Here's a guide to conquering common printer woes:

The Print Job Goes Nowhere:

  • The basics: Is your printer powered on and properly connected (USB, Wi-Fi, etc.)? Did you select the right printer on your computer? A simple restart of your printer and device can often clear up communication glitches.
  • Paper panic? Ensure the paper tray isn't empty or overflowing. Misaligned paper can also cause jams. Take a moment to straighten the stack and ensure it feeds correctly.

Read more on our website!

“The folks at Michigan Computer Supplies are remarkably easy to work with, super nice, and quick! They get back to me right away and deliver immediately it seems. And as a non-profit theater, they are very supportive. They are generous to all of us in the non-profit world. This is the ideal business model, as far as I'm concerned: really friendly people, great customer service and support of us little guys.”

- Suzi Peterson, Managing Director Ann Arbor Civic Theatre

MCS wants to help you grow your local business by streamlining your processes for printer ink maintenance and delivery, printer repair in Ann Arbor, and more! Contact us today to learn more.

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