the basics!
1) The front of the label is
typically more general in nature, and may include your logo, product name, tag
line or product description, and quantity.
2) Provide more detail on the
back, including product description, company or product story, instructions for
use, ingredients, barcode, and other relevant information.
3) Keep in mind that the size of the label will
drive the font size and amount of information presented. The words must be readable! The style, size, and color of the font all
contribute to the readability. If it’s
too elaborate or small, your efforts may be wasted. The contrast between the
color of the font and background also impacts readability. A light font needs
to paired with a darker background for optimal readability. For example, a label with light-yellow
wording against a medium yellow background is sure to frustrate anyone who
attempts to read it. Whereas a label
with light-yellow wording against a dark blue background is easier to read
given the level on contrast.
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