Thursday, August 22, 2024

Building a Culture of Well-Being

business solutions ann arbor
Wellness initiatives go beyond individual programs. Creating a company culture that prioritizes well-being fosters a more positive and productive work environment.

  • Recognize and Reward Healthy Habits: Acknowledge and celebrate employees who participate in wellness programs. Offer incentives for healthy behaviors like gym memberships or healthy meal allowances.
  • Promote Social Connection: Organize team-building activities, social events, or volunteer opportunities to cultivate a sense of community and belonging. Strong social connections can reduce stress and boost morale.
  • Leadership Support: Ensure leadership actively participates and demonstrates commitment to the wellness program. This sets the tone for the entire organization and encourages broader participation.

By investing in employee wellness, you're not just investing in their health, you're investing in a more productive, focused, and engaged workforce. The return on investment is clear: a happier, healthier team translates to a more successful business.

We can help by making sure you have all the supplies you need to ensure your employees have ergonomic workstations, the supplies they need to get their work done, and we have professional relationships with other local businesses for other corporate wellness initiatives you want to create.

Read more on our website!

We truly care about the Ann Arbor community and want to continue to build relationships with small businesses and non-profit organizations. We can help with all your printer, labeling, and printing needs, including finding hard-to-get printer and computer parts, helping find supplies and other business solutions in Ann Arbor and the surrounding areas.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be an MCS customer? Don’t miss out on these valuable benefits! Send us an email or call us today.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Power Up Your Workforce: How Wellness Initiatives Drive Productivity

business solutions
In today's fast-paced business world, employee productivity is paramount. But how can you encourage productivity in a healthy way that your employees will appreciate?

The key to a truly high-performing workforce lies in prioritizing the well-being of the people who work for you. Happy employees mean a better place to work for everyone, and better service for your customers and clients.

Enhancing Physical Health for Peak Performance

A healthy body fuels a sharp mind. By incorporating initiatives that promote physical well-being, you're investing in your employees' ability to perform at their best.

  • Healthy Eating at Work: Promote healthy choices by providing healthy snacks in the break room or partnering with healthy food vendors for cafeterias. This improves energy levels throughout the day and reduces unhealthy vending machine temptations.
  • Ergonomics and Workspace Wellness: Ensure proper workstation setups to prevent pain and discomfort that can hinder focus and productivity. Encourage regular breaks with movement to avoid fatigue.

Read more on our website!

We truly care about the Ann Arbor community and want to continue to build relationships with small businesses and non-profit organizations. We can help with all your printer, labeling, and printing needs, including finding hard-to-get printer and computer parts, helping find supplies and other business solutions in Ann Arbor and the surrounding areas.

We can help by making sure you have all the supplies you need to ensure your employees have ergonomic workstations, the supplies they need to get their work done, and we have professional relationships with other local businesses for other corporate wellness initiatives you want to create.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be an MCS customer? Don’t miss out on these valuable benefits! Send us an email or call us today.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

How Can MCS Help You Boost Employee Productivity?

business solutions ann arbor
Wondering what you can do to keep your employees happy in today’s competitive job market?

Do you want to develop a workplace culture that encourages employees to think of each other like family?

The answer: a strategic investment in employee well-being through corporate wellness initiatives.

These programs go beyond gym memberships and promote a holistic approach to employee health, encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being.

MCS wants to help you help your employees! We spend professional development time each week networking and developing relationships with other small businesses in our community. Chances are we know and trust someone that may be able to help you with insurance, business banking, office renovation, party planning, marketing, and more.

We can help you develop relationships with other businesses that can provide wellness products or help you craft the initiatives needed to enhance your workplace culture.

Read more on our website!

“The folks at Michigan Computer Supplies are remarkably easy to work with, super nice, and quick! They get back to me right away and deliver immediately it seems. And as a non-profit theater, they are very supportive. They are generous to all of us in the non-profit world. This is the ideal business model, as far as I'm concerned: really friendly people, great customer service and support of us little guys.”

- Suzi Peterson, Managing Director Ann Arbor Civic Theatre

We truly care about the Ann Arbor community and want to continue to build relationships with small businesses and non-profit organizations. We can help with all your printer, labeling, and printing needs, including finding hard-to-get printer and computer parts, helping find supplies and other business solutions in Ann Arbor and the surrounding areas.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be an MCS customer? Don’t miss out on these valuable benefits! Send us an email or call us today.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

How MCS Can Help You Boost Productivity and Performance

business solutions ann arbor
Happy and healthy employees are simply more productive. Studies have shown a direct link between employee wellness and increased productivity. A Harvard Business Review article points to research where companies with effective wellness programs saw a significant reduction in absenteeism and healthcare costs. 

Healthy employees miss fewer workdays and have the focus and energy to perform at their best. Here are some specific statistics to solidify this point:

By investing in employee wellness, businesses can create a healthier, more productive workforce, leading to a significant competitive advantage.

We can help by making sure you have all the supplies you need to ensure your employees have ergonomic workstations, the supplies they need to get their work done, and we have professional relationships with other local businesses for other corporate wellness initiatives you want to create.

Read more on our website!

“The folks at Michigan Computer Supplies are remarkably easy to work with, super nice, and quick! They get back to me right away and deliver immediately it seems. And as a non-profit theater, they are very supportive. They are generous to all of us in the non-profit world. This is the ideal business model, as far as I'm concerned: really friendly people, great customer service and support of us little guys.”

- Suzi Peterson, Managing Director Ann Arbor Civic Theatre

We truly care about the Ann Arbor community and want to continue to build relationships with small businesses and non-profit organizations. We can help with all your printer, labeling, and printing needs, including finding hard-to-get printer and computer parts, helping find supplies and other business solutions in Ann Arbor and the surrounding areas.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be an MCS customer? Don’t miss out on these valuable benefits! Send us an email or call us today.